Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Impressions or Random Useful Thoughts

From time to time I’ll have impressions or thoughts come to me which require action on my part. Many times the impression is so simple that I find myself dismissing the thought knowing I can simply do it later. I’m not talking about life altering actions. I’ve had thoughts as simple as “go change the sheets in the back bedroom” or “you need to put a certain article of clothing away.” In both cases I knew I needed to take care of these things but in both cases I put off the task to take care of another day. In both cases I should have listened and taken care of those things when the impression came to me – in both cases I would have avoided “fall out” from not following through when the impression first came!!

Recently as I was rushing out the door for church I felt impressed to go check out a “clicking” noise coming from the kitchen. More than once I dismissed the impression thinking, “it is just the dishwasher you need to hurry you are going to be late!” But just as I was at the front door I heard the “click” again and again felt the impression to go check it out. My thought was okay-okay I hear you I will check it out. Well it wasn’t the dishwasher it was the panni grill which I had NOT unplugged. Maybe I am starting to listen to that still small voice………I hope so!!


Kimberly said...

So glad you're listening to those promptings! Although I'm still laughing over the "article of clothing" incident!

SuSu said...

Well, yes you would think I would learn especailly after that one!