Wednesday, November 5, 2008


So, there are certain words that I love, words like:
Hope - It Floats!
Can - It Does!
Faith - It Looks Up!
Work - I'm blessed with it and by it!
Obedience - Once I asked the kids for this for Christmas......they gave it to me in the form of wooden blocks!! I loved it and them for giving it to me.
Attitude - If you put a numeric value to each letter, i.e., a=1, t=60 and add them all up you get 100!

And there are certain words I don't have the love for, words like:
Can't - It never will!
Swears - Surely you are smarter than those four-letter words!
Diet - It makes me want to eat more!
Exercise - I can't avoid it if I want to live to 100 and I do!!

Excuse me now it is time to exercise a good attitude and get on the treadmill!!

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