Sunday, January 10, 2010

July 29, 2001

While visiting with Pandora yesterday I found  a piece of paper dated July 29, 2001, with my testimony on it.  I'm not sure where it had been, I literally just found it on the floor upstairs, peeking out from under the table.  But when you read it you will see who placed it there. 

My Testimony:
 "I know as sure as I am that nothing happens in life save it is through our Heavenly Father. I know that all we have is through Him. I know that the experiences He places in our life is for our growth and betterment. I know that situations that come up in our life are placed there by Him. I know that all our experiences are experiences that He too has experienced. I know that I am who I am because of the gospel in my life."

I believe today I needed that reminder.


Ashley Allred said...

Thank you for that! I needed that so much today. I love you.

Mike and Julie said...

Thank you for sharing - what a blessing to be able to know that. Have a great week!