Monday, January 18, 2010

The Chronicles of Pandora

She is really starting to grow on me.  I never thought I would say that.  But I now have a kitchen that is organized......well it is better than its ever been and I'm loving it.  She is teaching me that I really can do a lot with just a few minutes.  I always thought I needed a huge chunk of time to be able to accomplish anything and see big results.  At least that is what my excuse was.  But I've learned otherwise.  Progress is being made and it has given me a new lease on life.

Thanks Pandora............I might just have to name a dog after you!
Since the idea of naming a granddaughter after you is out :-)


Amy said...

I'm so glad that you have learned to like her.

Mike and Julie said...

...that's one of the Fly Lady's tools - 15 minutes and a timer - get in and get out! You're inspiring me to take a whack at my mess!