Saturday, May 14, 2011

Bump in the Road

So I've been sailing along now for about 224 days; blogging each day.  Depending on blogger to be there ready for me to fill a page.  Apparently yesterday there was a big bump in that smooth sailing road.  Try as I might (since Thursday night) it was just not ready to receive my words.  It was a strange feeling really.  Especially as I thought about my 224 days plus; were my words just gone never to come back to me.  Scary to think all of this would be for not; my words that are important to me would just be gone.  I trust technology.  I wouldn't believe such a thing could happen.  Nothing is gone forever right?  So this morning as I tried again, happy day, blogger was back in business and my words could now flow freely.  Thanks blogger people for working hard to save my words and the words of so many others.  I knew you could do it!

1 comment:

Frankie, Michaela, Goy and Marion said...

I was right there with you yesterday, so glad they worked hard to fix it. Loving seeing you blog every day! Tell Mr. Man hi for us!