Tuesday, November 29, 2011


As I'm approaching the final month of my year long goal to blog everyday I can't help but reflect on what this blog has meant to me.  It has given me a chance to put down on paper (figuratively speaking) those things that are important to me.  It has given me a feeling of great accomplishment.  They say that a habit is formed in at least three weeks and that bad habits are easy to make, but extremely hard to end.  Good habits, on the other hand, tend to take more time to make.  Interesting to be sure.

I'm not sure the difference between habit and commitment. But for me this blog is more than a habit because I know I could stop at any moment and easily fill my time with something else.  This blog is my commitment to myself to write down those things that are important to me.  This blog makes me think. To think about life, about family, about friends and everything else in between.

I'm thankful for the commitment I made to myself to do this.  It is a good thing!

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