day we drive by a sign on the way to work that says E.D.I.T.H. on it. As we pass by it, it was hard to see what E.D.I.T.H.
stood for. So I did a little research
and learned that E.D.I.T.H. stands for this, Exit Drills In The Home. Having an E.D.I.T.H. plan can help people
prepare for an emergency. Most home
fires occur at night, when people are the least prepared. Which only makes sense, since most of us are sleeping or at least should be! Check out this fact sheet and learn how you
can have E.D.I.T.H. at your home.
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Just This Day
So today should be my cooking post. But just like the Dayton 500 this year, we got sidelined on the way home. With a tree down on the hill the road was closed for about 50 minutes. When you are on the hill unless it is closed indefinitely you just turn off the car and just chill out until traffic starts moving again. But once the road is clear and you get the green flag you are on your way. So no cooking for me. Maybe next week.
Monday, February 27, 2012
The Towel
Whenever I was sick to my stomach as
a child (which wasn't very often, we didn’t do sickness) I remember my mother
sending me to bed with a towel. The towel served as my comforter and my
protector. There was something about the
texture of that towel that just made me feel so much better. I still love the feel of a good fluffy towel
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Revelation 2:26
“And he that overcometh, and keepeth my works unto
the end, to him will I give power over the nations:”
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Daffodil Time
Friday, February 24, 2012
Special Birthday Remembrance
Today is the anniversary of my mother’s birth. Although she died several years ago I still
think of her so often and most especially on this her special day.
So there is this “thing” that she did with her silverware that makes me think of her every time I do the dishes! That’s right silverware. You see when she loaded the dishwasher she
always put the same type of silverware in the same basket. Spoons with spoons, forks with forks and so
on. I don’t do it that way, but because
that was her way it makes me think of her every time I load and unload my
dishwasher. Funny how those little
everyday parts of life turn into lifetime memories.
Happy Birthday Mom!!
of you always!!!
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Today I’m most thankful for the inspiration of others. Other people’s blogs to be more
specific. I’ve followed this blog for some
time now and I’m always so inspired and uplifted by the messages shared. Yesterday was no exception.
I’m a cup half-full girl; never half empty. I realize that some days aren’t great but I try to never let my cup go below the half way mark. In fact I like to just keep it full! Staying positive and optimistic about life, always looking up is my key.
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
So everywhere I turn people are talking about Pinterest. For those of you that don't know (although I'm sure anyone reading this does) "Pinterest is an online pinboard. Organize and share the things you love." Well that's great. I love to share. I love to organize. But there is a problem with Pinterest. You see if you don't have a Facebook or Twitter account you no can have a Pinterest account. REALLY! Sad but true. And I am one of a handful of people left on the planet that doesn't do Facebook or Twitter. Well, I found something better; really I did. I found Evernote! It is like Pinterest only better. It remembers everything for me so I don't have too. Love that. Plus it syncs to my PC, my Laptop, my iPad and my iPhone. I can write notes in it. I can make lists for Mr. Man. I can record lists for Mr. Man so he can hear my lovely voice should he feel the need. Seriously who could ask for more? It is awesome. Truly you need to check it out. You will want it. It is free. Which is even better. So don't delay get Evernote today!!
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
This whole soup thing started about 15 years ago and all because S2 couldn't play high school basketball. Well he could of played but the coach at the time insisted on early morning practice. That wasn't an option in our family because seminary was in the early morning and we were a seminary going family. So he turned to wrestling. I had never been much of a wrestling fan until then. For the next four years we were the devoted parents of a wrestler. And that meant sometimes for the sake of the "game" we ate soup! Or more to the point we would all go on the soup diet together for a time. I haven't thought about that diet for nearly 10 years until a couple of weeks ago the girls in the office decided it was a good thing to try. It is something that only lasts a week. For me it has been a great start to healthy eating. I've needed that reminder. Check it out.
Day 1: Any fruit (except bananas). Cantaloupes and watermelon are lower
in calories than most other fruits. Eat only soup and fruit today.
Day 2: All vegetables. Eat until you are full with fresh raw, cooked or
canned veggies. Try to eat green leafy veggies and stay away from dry beans,
peas or corn.
Eat veggies along with the soup.
A baked potato and dinner time with butter.
Don’t eat any fruits through today.
Eat veggies along with the soup.
A baked potato and dinner time with butter.
Don’t eat any fruits through today.
Day 3: Eat all the soup, fruit and veggies you want. Do not have a
baked potato.
Day 4: Bananas and skim milk: Eat at least 3 bananas and drink as much
milk as you can today, along with the soup.
Day 5: Beef and tomatoes: you may have 10 to 20 ounces of beef and a
can of tomatoes, or as many as 6 tomatoes on this day. Eat the soup at least
once today.
Day 6: Beef and veggies, eat to your heart’s content of the beef and
veggies today. You can even have 2-3 steaks if you like with green leafy
veggies but no baked potato. Be sure to eat the soup at least once today.
Day 7: Brown rice, unsweetened fruit juice and veggies, until full (and
eat the soup).
You can add cooked veggies to your rice if you wish.
You can add cooked veggies to your rice if you wish.
Drinks Allowed
§ Unsweetened juices
§ Tea (also herbal)
§ Coffee (note we don't drink coffee)
§ Cranberry juice (this is best very diluted, like just enough to flavor your water)
§ Skim milk
§ Lots of water
Soup Recipe
§ 1 or 2 cans of stewed tomatoes
§ 3 plus large green onions
§ 1 large can of beef broth (no fat)
§ 1 pkg. Lipton Soup mix (onion)
§ 1 bunch of celery
§ 2 cans green beans
§ 2 lbs. Carrots
§ 2 Green Peppers
Season with salt, pepper curry,
parsley, if desired, or bouillon, hot or Worcestershire sauce. Cut veggies in
small to medium pieces. Cover with water. Boil fast for 10 minutes. Reduce to
simmer and continue to cook until vegetables are tender.
The soup can be eaten at any
Monday, February 20, 2012
President's Day
When Mr. Man was a boy his parents would go to
town (Idaho Falls) on this holiday to shop all
the bargains. As parents of seven children finding bargains was
important, just as it is today for any parent. Mr. Man didn't have the
pleasure of accompanying them because in his town they still had to go to school
on this day. What no school holiday? But then what sane parent would take seven
children shopping for clothing? When I asked him about the clothes bought
for him he replied, "They were great for working in the fields!"
Who knew Mr. Man was so fashion conscience as a boy? I didn't!
(This post as been approved by the man himself)
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Mosiah 2:19
"And behold also, if I, whom ye call your king, who has spent his days in your service, and yet has been in the service of God, do merit any thanks from you, O how you ought to thank your heavenly King!"
And in all things and in all ways acknowledge Him.
And in all things and in all ways acknowledge Him.
Saturday, February 18, 2012
My Goat
have a goat. Well I don’t own the
goat. I just like to think of him as
mine. I’m not sure what kind of goat he
is. He looks more like a wooly mammoth. Most days I see him on our journey to work. He
is just hanging out on the side of the mountain hill munching away. He is a big eater. He makes me nervous sometimes because the hill
is so steep and the ground so rocky. Mr.
Man has seen him on the other side of the road; which is disappointing to me to
think he would dare cross the road. Doesn’t
he know he could get hit?? Crazy goat!
I just wish he wouldn't get so close to the edge.
This is one awesome goat!
(p.s. I know I need a better camera...maybe someday!)
Friday, February 17, 2012
This is really no secret to anyone who even remotely knows me that I love my work. It really is just my favorite place to be each day. We have are ups and downs like every "work family." But at the end of the day it is a great place to spend each and every day. This favorite place of mine makes me think of this quote:
The privilege to work is a gift.
The power to work is a blessing.
The love of work is success.
~~David O. McKay
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Today I'm so thankful for the many examples of others that cross my path each and every day. They are my teachers and my inspiration. These examples are the thread in my tapestry of life. Each thread improves who I am. I'm thankful for that!
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
can ask ourselves, “Am I committing my time and energies to the things that
matter most?” There are so many good things to do, but we can’t do all of them.
Our Heavenly Father is most pleased when we sacrifice something good for
something far greater with an eternal perspective."
Dieter F. Uchtdorf
These words are wonderful and give me cause to pause. Helps me remember to do those things that matter most.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Sugar Cookies
I wanted to take a Valentine treat to the Primary kids on Sunday and first I thought I would just buy some candy to share. But then I thought too easy. Too impersonal. Then I thought cookies. Who doesn't love homemade cookies. So I decided on heart sugar cookies. Perfect for Valentine's Day. I used this recipe and they did turn out pretty darn good if I do say so myself.
Happy Valentine's Day!
Monday, February 13, 2012
The Price of Gas
No one wants to hear this really and in fact this really, really dates me but I remember as a teenager when we would put a dollars worth of gas in the car and drive forever. A dollar would get us four gallons. Do the math people that's twenty-five cents a gallon! Now that's crazy. Twenty-five cents a gallon......it's true. Hey Dad can I have a quarter? I need to put gas in the car. When I think of it now compared to the almost four dollars for one gallon we pay it is hard to wrap my head around the fact we only paid twenty-five cents. But then I only made ten cents an hour babysitting.............and that is not a joke! And no I'm not 100 years old. And no I didn't walk barefoot to school uphill in both directions. But I did walk to school alone and it was a mile away. I don't remember it being a mile; I remember it being more like 5 miles. Strange how childhood memories grow. But the twenty-five cents a gallon that's a fact!!
Sunday, February 12, 2012
1 Corinthians 2:12
"Now we have receive, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God."
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Friday, February 10, 2012
There is something about numbers that always draws me in. It is a genetic thing for sure. My mother was a numbers girl. Funny though I don't think math was a strong suit for her in school and I know for myself beyond the basic math it wasn't a strong suit for me either. Never could understand the need for algebra and the likes. But this post is NOT about my attraction to numbers necessarily. This post is about just the number 14 and a girl who is celebrating that number today! Really you are 14? I know it's cliche but it just doesn't seem possible that today your number is 14!!
Happy Birthday Girl!
You. Are. The. Best!!
Love you so!!!
Thursday, February 9, 2012
I consider myself a fair weather
person. Anything in the 80’s
works; I’m even happy with the 90’s. But I recognize there must be moisture and
although we haven’t seen a lot of it this winter season, I’m thankful for what
we have received and do pray that more will come. So that I can more fully enjoy my 80 and 90
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Winner Winner Chicken Dinner
Start with a nice plump chicken
Clean it up and pat it dry
Give it a nice rub of olive oil and your favorite savory spices
Bake it at 375 for about 1 hour and 15 minutes
You'll know when it is done, the juices will run clear.
And this my friends is what you will have!
A beautiful golden chicken of goodness!
Monday, February 6, 2012
The Smell
memory is prompted by this blog entry and its sequel. I too have experienced this smelly
experience. It was about 25 years ago
when we were living on a farm along the Sacramento River. Mr. Man was working nights at the time. That fateful night I had let out our dog Andy
for his last pit stop for the evening.
Unfortunately he met up with a skunk.
With Mr. Man not home there was no way I was going to leave my dog
outside. I know crazy. But to be honest
I probably wouldn't do anything different today, that's just me! So I brought Andy into the house and
proceeded to give him a tomato juice bath, repeatedly. For the record tomato
juice doesn't really work, especially on a long haired dog like Andy, a
sheltie. Time and numerous baths were the
only answer. And oh for the record the “smell” up-close
and personal is not the same as when you drive by it. It smells like tar; like really, really,
really strong tar at least that is how Mr. Man and I remember it to be! Nasty!!
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Jonah 2:5
"The waters compassed me about, even to the soul: the depth closed me round about, the weeds were wrapped about my head."
Poor Jonah, can you imagine his despair? Yet even in that darkest hour he remembered the Lord and prayed to Him. And as we know the Lord answered his prayer. While we may never be in the belly of a whale we may at times feel much like Jonah with weeds wrapped about our head. I like that vision of weeds wrapped around my head because at times it does feel just like that. And even though that does seem like the hardest time to pray. Prayers must come if we desire the Lord to rid us of those tangled weeds.
Poor Jonah, can you imagine his despair? Yet even in that darkest hour he remembered the Lord and prayed to Him. And as we know the Lord answered his prayer. While we may never be in the belly of a whale we may at times feel much like Jonah with weeds wrapped about our head. I like that vision of weeds wrapped around my head because at times it does feel just like that. And even though that does seem like the hardest time to pray. Prayers must come if we desire the Lord to rid us of those tangled weeds.
Saturday, February 4, 2012
8 Seconds
We had another fantastic time at
the PBR. Eight seconds might
not seem like much. But if you are
doing this, I believe it must feel like an eternity!
Notice the time.
That ride was only 5.53 seconds!
Friday, February 3, 2012
Perfect Moments
Recently I had a week that was just
a struggle. And then at the perfect
moment I received an email with this thought:
of Christ there is hope smiling brightly before you, and you need not worry too
much about sickness, death, poverty, or other afflictions. The Lord will take
care of you. Your responsibility is to keep the commandments, feast upon the
words of Christ, and stay in the path to your heavenly home."
~~Julie B. Beck
It was just the salve I needed. It was the favorite part of my week!
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Today I’m thankful for a great friend who took me to lunch
for my birthday even though she can’t remember which day my birthday is on (she knows it's in February just can't remember when; I love her for that) and
then let’s me monopolize the conversation with my woes. She is a
good listener that way. Love you Lou!
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
"As we go about living from day to day, it is almost
inevitable that our faith will be challenged. We may at times find ourselves
surrounded by others and yet standing in the minority or even standing alone
concerning what is acceptable and what is not. Do we have the moral courage to
stand firm for our beliefs, even if by so doing we must stand alone?"
This came to me at a perfect time. I knew the answer to the question was a resounding "YES!"
--President Thomas S. Monson
This came to me at a perfect time. I knew the answer to the question was a resounding "YES!"
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