Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Wonderful Words

* Guest Post by D2 *

My mother loves words. Perhaps you've noticed. She has most definately passed this love to me.

I've been thinking the past few days of words. Of my favorite words.

I've come to the conclusion that it's hard to pick favorites. They change each day.

Right now, though, they would have to be: Dada did it.

Let me explain.

My Boy has a speech device he uses at school. He named it "Blue." It consists of 6 or so buttons which can be recorded with different sounds or words or phrases. When he pushes one he'll here what was recorded at that spot. He is able to use it to communicate with others during class and during his therapies.

He and the other 3rd graders have been doing reports on Indians. They were to work in groups and then present their reports to the class. My Boy and his teachers worked with him to formulate the things he would share. Then they sent "Blue" home in hopes that my husband could record each of the phrases on it. This way when My Boy pushed his button he, and everyone else, would hear a male voice.

It was all very magical. Expect for the part where I didn't remember "our" homework until Sunday night. After kids were in bed. I had planned to have My Boy say a few words along with the harder ones that my husband would say. Oh well. In the end it was just my husband.

Then Monday morning as we were taking "Blue" back to school I handed it to My Boy and asked if he'd like to hear. He pushed each of the buttons and beamed when he heard his dad's voice saying the phrases he had worked to put together.

Then he said: Dada did it

It was magical. With the challenges he has we don't here two or three words put together very often. We also don't always hear words completed (he often just says the first sound). So when I hear him completing words and using them in a sentence that applies to the situation there are no words to describe how they sound.

They just are wonderful words.


Amy said...

Yeah for W! That's awesome.

SuSu said...

Wonderful! Wonderful!

Brittani said...

wonderful indeed