Saturday, December 4, 2010

Small World


I’m blessed by this small world. Although according to the United States Census Bureau the world population of humans on the planet Earth is estimated to be 6,885,100,000 people; which makes the story I’m about to share even more amazing. Recently, my best bro was in a business meeting where he had the opportunity to introduce himself and share with those attending his area of expertise in the construction world. After the meeting a woman approached him and asked if he knew Evelyn Heath. "Why, yes she is my mother." The women replied, "she made my wedding dress and the dresses for my bridesmaids." This has to go back 20 plus years. They then spoke briefly of those each knew from our hometown; that small world we grew up in. So blessed by this chance encounter in this small world.  And doubly blessed that Mom was part of the encounter.

Blessed by this Small World


Mike and Julie said...

I love it! I also love that our parents have touched this small world in a way that we can appreciate and enjoy.

Amy said...

How cool! Yesterday at the grocery store a woman was talking to her kids, the were getting treats, and she said, "Which on do you think Evelyn would like?" I had to ask... "Do you have an Evelyn?" She replied yes and I told her I did too. L.O.V.E

Jessica said...

so neat. loved this!