Friday, October 8, 2010


The best moments are the unexpected ones.  Like running into a friend when you least expect it. Since I rarely have a car at work, I usually never leave.  But every now and again I will hitch a ride with one of the girls at work when they leave to run errands.  Wednesday was one of those days.  And just by chance I ran into a great friend.  The moment was like when stars collide.  I had left one store and stopped to return a phone call on my way to the next store.  Had I not stopped I would have missed that window of opportunity.  I could have easily returned the phone call upon my return to work but no I stopped made the call, finished the call and looked up and there walking toward me was a great surprise.  I love those moments.  And what I love even more is the fact that this almost same experience happened to me last Wednesday, too.  There I was sitting down to lunch with my Bro when suddenly out of nowhere appears another wonderful friend who had decided that very day she wanted to eat at the same place we were dinning. She joined us and we had a wonderful visit the three of us.  What a wonderful Wednesday.  I can hardly wait for next Wednesday to see what chance encounter I may have..........


Mike and Julie said...

Better twist to the "Wacky Wednesday"! Coincidence or ...

Jessica said...

great timing, these "coincidences." I so needed a familiar and friendly face that day and of course, there you were! Thanks. :)