Friday, April 22, 2011

Kid's Say

I have to say I think the things kid's say are one of my favorite things.  They crack me up.  Recently Gran-daughter 3 told me she had a dark side and couldn't have any candy.  Really, a dark side?  
Interesting.  The truth of the matter is the girl has a cavity.  At the dentist office she was told she had a dark spot on her tooth which has translated to her as a dark side.  It is my favorite thing to hear her talk about, her dark side.  I can't stop laughing about it and visualizing her serious look when she talks about this dark side of hers.  Grans they say my favorite things.


Mike and Julie said...

Tooooo funny!

Amy said...

She does have a dark side! You probably haven't been the recipient of one of her "looks" because you're Susu... the rest of us have! Ask Justin or her mother for that matter. lol