Saturday, July 9, 2011


We are Giants' fans.  Long time.  It's in our blood.  There is no other way in our family.  Generation after generation.  I received this email from my brother recently.  And so the tradition continues.

"He's ready to go out and field some grounders...a little warm up before he watches tonights game. Take notice of the hat. That was mine when I was a kid. I saved my money for it and you took me to the Davis Sport Shop in the Buick wagon to buy it. I remember I had a silver dollar I was willing to use as part of my funds. You didn't want me to spend it so you traded a dollar bill for it. It cost $14.00 that was huge money, but it was the much coveted "pro style" hat like the pros wore.  ....those really were the days."
Go Giants!

1 comment:

Amy said...

Love it. Side note... Does he ever smile? lol! It seems like all the picture you post of him, he has this serious face.