Thursday, July 21, 2011

No Complaint

I am not complaining.  I'm not.  I'm just sayin'!  I have a puppy who seems to have her days and nights mixed up.  She sleeps all day at work.  Which is nice.  Gets home and goes crazy wild with excitement to see Dottie and Belle. Has a quiet moment in the evening but then when bedtime comes wants to shake things up again.  She cries and cries and carries on when we put her in her cart.  After four nights of being up until midnight..........well lets just say I sleep a lot in the car!

Kala, sleeping the work day away!


Kimberly said...

This too shall pass ;)

Amy said...

Nice one Kimberly... sounds like something she would tell us when we had a screaming baby. lol

Mike and Julie said...

Ah...the baby stage :-) We sure pay for all that fun they bring!

Rich and Brianne said...

Oh I love her already. After seeing her last night, I want one!! Though maybe I could do without the adorable screaming at midnight ;)