Thursday, July 28, 2011

The Test

Why is it that when you have to take a class before you can take a test that none of the things you studied or learned in the class is on the test. Why is that? Why?  Please if anyone has the answer feel free to shout it out!


Jessica said...

Did the instructor or the creator of the test write a textbook? If we're speaking freely here, I've developed some theories on this subject and they have a lot to do with others conspiring to make $$$$. I hope this isn't the case in your situation but unfortunately I've seen it way too many times...they'll do anything to force you to buy their book! Awful. This post reminds me, though, of a course I took at BYU where we were taught different test taking strategies. We practiced taking tests on subjects we HADN'T studied so we could be familiar with the tricks creators of tests like to use to stump us. It proved to be a valuable class for sure! Love to share what I learned when you're faced with a nasty test book, no publishers, no conspiracies, no charge! :-)

SuSu said...

I see it is time to do lunch again!