Monday, October 20, 2008

Some of this and some of that.........

In June my doctor doubled the strength of my cholesterol medication in an effort to lower my cholesterol level. Well since that had little effect on my cholesterol; going from 239 to 223 doesn't seem like much to me plus not to mention that my triglycerides went from 235 to 275 was less than comforting. I decided that like it or not it was time to really really change the diet. My new favorite foods are oatmeal, brown rice and black beans. Actually, I really do like them. I've stopped drinking milk, soy milk is my new friend. Eating a lot of fish. Rarely bread. Avoid sugar at all costs, which is going to be a challenge what with the holidays fast approaching. Already at work the Halloween candy is making its way into the office. I just run my hands through the bowl then remind myself I have food storage (recently canned) that will need to be consumed before I die!! Although most of that will probably last until I'm 100 since I bought flour and sugar both no-no's for me. The one thing I really wanted, black beans, they didn't have. But has this three week change is heading into week four sometimes you just want something sweet. So tonight I created an apple crisp, with no butter, no flour, no sugar except for the sugar that was in the craisins. I used apples, craisins, pumpkin pie spice, cinnamon, lemon juice, oatmeal, all bran, almonds, peanut butter (natural) and pure maple syrup (no sugar). I had mine with my vanilla soy milk and it was very tasty!


Lynette said...

You go girl!!!!

Kimberly said...

Very nice! Sounds tastey!!