Friday, October 30, 2009

Delightfully Special

These two Delightfully Special Grandchildren, "The Boy" and "Little Miss" are what bring me to 31 for 21.  It is hard for me to put into words the blessing they are in our family.  The Boy and Little Miss are brother and sister.  The Boy will be six in January and Little Miss was one in July.  The journey of the last almost six years has definitely brought a new perspective to my life.  I love the poem by Emily Perl Kingsley entitled Welcome to Holland

I have to admit there was a time in my younger life that the thought of "Holland" was a little scary.  But now I've come to realize that there is no place I'd rather be.  Holland is full of surprises, of happy smiles, of wonderful hugs and gentle kisses.  Holland never stops loving.  Holland is a giver.  Holland is all that is right with the world. I can't imagine life without the experiences of Holland.  Holland has been my teacher and I know that in the coming years Holland will teach me so much more and for that I am eternally grateful.


Brittani said...

very cool poem, and though I thought it not possible, Holland has even more special meaning to me. Thank you for sharing!

Regina said...

So very true! I love that poem. A very dear friend shared that poem with me after my little guy was born. There's nowhere else I'd rather be either. I like Holland!