Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Just Thinking

Sometimes it is hard for me to come up with a "topic" each day.  I'm driven this month by 31 for 21.  My life seems pretty basic, almost mundane.  Up around 5 or 6 on the road an hour later (I wish I could get ready faster but I can't) (I know it's the showers but it is physically impossible for me to take a shorter shower) anyway I'm at work until 4 sometimes 5 and back home usually an hour and a half later.  Usually in the late afternoon my mind starts to think about what I want to accomplish when we get home.  Unfortunately once over the hill anything I've thought about doing has in most cases been completely erased from my hard drive (my brain).  The evening will usually consist of dinner and the cleanup, laundry (Val does most of it; he likes laundry and I'm grateful for that), some email catch up, dog time, too much tv and reading just before the lights go out.  I'm not even sure if mundane is the best description.......more like humdrum!  I think tonight I'm blogging too late because this blog is putting me to sleep.  Maybe that's what I need more sleep. 

Note to self: More sleep, start blog earlier in the day, write down what needs to be done in the evening before hard drive is erased while driving over the hill.  Is it tomorrow yet??

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