Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Sleeping Among Strangers

Tuesday I had jury duty which ranks right up there with going to the dentist for a root canal or so I’m told. I’ve never had a root canal. Anyway, I was told to appear at 1:30. Appear makes it sound like there is some sort of magic in this process; believe me there was no magic in this experience. So I arrive, I mean appear on the 4th floor via the one operating elevator which is the size of a small closet; the stairs are not an option because of security or some such story. Once seated roll is taken and we watch a wonderful action filled movie after which we are told that actually our services are needed in another courtroom but it is busy at the moment so please just wait here until it clears out. Waiting, waiting, waiting. At 3:00 we are given an opportunity to take a break. A break, a break from what, oh right a break from waiting. But we are reminded that there is only one operating elevator and we must return by 3:15. Ninety-five percent of the room empties out; apparently there were a lot of smokers in this perspective jury pool. At this point I’ve run out the battery on my phone; texting and playing games. So there is nothing left to do but to close my eyes and take a snooze. After my 15 minute siesta we are told we can now move into the other courtroom where upon we are given a speech by the judge about our wonderful judicial system and told the case settled and we were free to go. Go, down the only operating elevator, really? I’ll risk the stairs I say to myself although warned I won’t make it out of the building without riding the elevator. A few flights later and I was outside……… at last.

1 comment:

Amy said...

What a pain... at least the case was dismissed and you didn't have to stay any longer or heaven forbid go back.