Wednesday, February 23, 2011


So I was struggling with what I loved today; as my day had a some what rocky and stilted beginning. (BTW my posts are always written the night before, that's just the way I do it.)  But that said I knew I must find something in my day to bring love around.  Amazingly, I found my answer in a text conversation with an amazing friend. It went something like this:

Me: How did your doctor’s appointment go? (she had foot surgery last week)

AF: Doctor said all looked good. He re-dressed it and I’m back on the couch for another week. I have to learn patience.

Me: Pretend you are on the beach in Hawaii with a good book, maybe that would work.

AF: That’s what I’ll do.

Me: So the pain is better.

AF: The pain is a lot better especially if I keep it up.

Me: So UP is the word!

AF: Yes, in so many ways UP is the word. Foot up, spirits up, hope up and so on… new favorite word UP.

Love Up!


Kimberly said...

Onward and upward

Jessica said...

I love the "up." "In" n "Out" are also prepositions I'm fond of. :)Ready for a lunch escape?