Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Curling Iron

So I have to say when I first thought of spending my month in memories I feared I wouldn't come up with enough stuff......but the truth of the matter is I can't stop thinking about stuff.  There are a lot of crazy things I remember and some stuff just really funny.  Other stuff I wonder why I even remembered random.  My next dilemma was where to start.  So of course I made a list and the list grew and the list was random and in no order. So that's where I will begin with the first item on my list.  And that item was the curling iron.  Really a curling iron was on the list of things you remember.  Hello, you can go to Wal-Mart, K-Mart........all the marts and buy a curling iron what's so memorable about a curling iron.  Well, I will tell you.  And yes this dates me......whatever!  So the first curling iron I remember was one my mother would heat on the stove.  I feared that thing.  Do you realize how hot you can get a curling iron by placing it on the stove....I don't know why I still had hair on my head after it was used on my hair.  Those babies got HOT!  It would freak me out because I knew I was going to get burned by it and I did on occasion.  This picture is much like the curling iron my mom used although I don't remember the rusty part.  Don't talk about my age after you read this please........if you can help it.
I don't think ours had those fancy handles.

You could get some pretty tight curls with that thing.
It pains me just to look at it.


Kimberly said...

I've been waiting all day for this! When I saw your title I just laughed and knew just what you were going to say.
So funny ;)

Amy said...

That is one old curling iron... remember in Little Women when Jo cooks Meg's hair? That's what it reminds me of. I didn't know you dated back that far... ;)

Jessica said...

Little Women. Sorry, that was my first thought too! :) And to think I sometimes feel bad for having Rylee sleep in rollers... that thing looks like a torture tool!

Tiffany said...

Yikes that looks like something the enemy might use to torture people. Can't wait for the rest of the memories....