Saturday, March 26, 2011


Just when I think I can't think of the perfect memory something or someone comes along to remind me of a great memory.  Thanks brother.  I was having a bit of a wonderment but he shared with me his children's new found love of The Dick Van Dyke Show.  As a child I didn't get to watch this show much.  My dad wasn't a fan of all Laura's whinning.  But as an adult I rediscovered it.  Television today only hopes to be so good.  I miss those days of television, the likes of The Dick Van Dyke Show. I loved the show then, I love the show now. It makes my heart sing.  No matter how many times I watch this show it brings me great laughter.  Excuse me I think I will go watch an eposide or two or three or ..........!


Ashley Allred said...

I love Dick Van Dyke. We watched Mary Poppins the other day (it had been A WHILE since we've seen it)and I fell in love with him all over again. I just love that movie.

Jessica said...

My Dad is a big Dick Van Dyke Show fan. It's fun to watch with him. Only thing is, he laughs at everything, and loud, so we're always way more entertained by his being entertained than the actual entertainment. Makes for great memories anyway!