Wednesday, March 9, 2011


You are probably wondering what that means.  We all have one.  I actually had to google it because I've always known it as the space between my nose and mouth.  The philtrum is the midline groove in the upper lip that runs from the top of the lip to the nose. I'm happy to learn it has an official name. 

So what is a philtrum doing in a blog about memories.  Well, a couple of things.  The first thing is mine has a now faint scar down the middle.  When I was younger I took a head dive over my trike into some gravel.  Very painful and left a nice scar down the middle; we didn't do stitches for such things back in the day.  We wore our battle wounds proudly and boy do I remember having a fat lip.

But the memory I cherish the most is from my Primary teacher.  She taught me that that little space, with the slight indentation was actually an imprint of Heavenly Father's finger across my lips as I left His presence to come to earthly life.  He was telling me Shhh so I would always remember to be still and listen for His voice.  I will never forget that as long as I live.


Jessica said...

I'm so thankful for the positive influence of primary teachers. The stuff they teach just sticks. So cool you have a battle wound! I've always been a little envious of people with scars and great stories....I don't have any but Ryan sure has enough of them to cover many generations to come.

Unknown said...

I thought for sure it was what Renee called Phil's tantrums....LOL Love the teachers description. That's perfect. BTW that baby has a huge forehead. Just saying....