Friday, March 25, 2011

The Pen

I remember when the pen (or pencil) was the writing instrument of choice; actually they were the only option.  Remember stationery?  Paper, paper I love paper.  Today’s paper is so fun.  And as much as I love, love, love my technology.  There is something about writing things down on paper.  Gone it seems are the days of letter writing on paper, when there is e-mail.  It is kind of sad to me that that form of communication is slowly disappearing.  And remember when you had to actually write out your homework assignments? No computers for that.  Reports were written out by hand.  Rough draft first of course then the final draft.  That was the rule in our house.  Those were the blood, sweat, and tears days for sure. Remember that?

1 comment:

Jessica said...

I love stationary and I love rough drafts. Whenever I'm needing to really get serious about writing, I still always start on paper.