Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Life on the Farm - Part 2

There are many more memories on the farm that I must share. Well not all of them. I won't share any mice stories; there were plenty! And we had an agreement me and the mice; don't show your face or leave me any little calling cards and I won't have you exterminated. Sadly for them they didn’t live up to the agreement and they met a fiery death but then I said I wasn’t going to share their story. Sorry. So there was another creature on the farm that caused me grief and that would be the skunk.  Please someone tell me why we need them.  I see no purpose in their existence.
The story goes like this. Mr. Man was working nights. I had let the dog out for a bathroom break before bed time. The dog (Andy) got nosy and well you know what a skunk will do and it did. But the dog lover that I am would never just leave my dog outside no matter what he smelled like.  Plus I felt safer with him in the house; after all who would come into a house that smelled like a skunk.  And by the way skunk smells different close up. It smells worse, in case you wondered. So I spent the night giving Andy tomato juice baths to cut the smell.
In case you wondered it doesn’t work. But it does keep people our of your house.  I still loved life on the farm, just some days more than others!


Unknown said...

When ryan was a kid he was sprayed by a skunk. Story goes, he was just wanting to pet the kitty. They tried the tomato juice too. Time just had to run its stinky course. And mice. Mice are AWFUL! There is no negotiating there!

Mike and Julie said...

Yeah, don't know about Cinderella and her mice friends - fiction for sure!!!
Our friend swears by Summers Eve for the skunk smell. We keep it in the trailer ever since Tucker decided to chase a skunk while we were camping :-).

Ashley Allred said...

oh man....that stinks!!! (pun intended) ;)