Saturday, January 8, 2011

Interruptions and Distractions

My days are plagued by interruptions and distractions. I suppose that if I wouldn’t let things interrupt and distract me I wouldn’t be plagued by them. This year of 2011 I need to work on not letting “things” interrupt and distract me. I’m working on a project and an email pops up and immediately I turn my attention to it…………stop that I say or I need to say.

I have a note on my wall at work that reads: “Put focus time on your calendar in ‘concrete’ with exactly what project you will be working on during that time.” Tip: Focus time means no email, telephone calls or interruptions. One hour of focus time can equal up to four fours of interrupted time. To keep interruptions down, put a sign on your door letting others know when you will be available, saying, “Focus time – please only interrupt if smoke is coming out of the air vents.”

More proof that focus needs to be my word for 2011. It’s time to eradicate the plague of interruptions and distractions I’m living with and work on staying on course with my new found focus.

Just say NO to Interruptions and Distractions!

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